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Tap water rates

Read all about our tap water rates.

Your tap water payments depend on your specific situation.

  • If you have a water meter you will pay for your actual water use. In 2024 you pay 1.13 euro per m³, 10 cents more than in 2023. Fixed costs went down with 1.66 euro, ending up at 107.80 euro per year.
  • If you do not have a water meter we do not know your actual water use. Instead, you pay for the number of units of your home. In 2024 you pay 26.19 euro per unit, an increase of 2.76 euro. Fixed costs are 103.46 euro per year, a decrease of 3.06 euro.

These are the amounts for regular households and small businesses.

Frequently asked questions about tap water

Your water usage ('waterverbruik') is stated on your annual statement. The annual statement can be found at my tap water bills.

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If your home does not have a water meter, your water bill is based on the number of units of your home.

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Our tap water costs 1.13 euros per cubic metre. You are also charged fixed costs, taxes on tap water and VAT.

View all tap water rates

If your home has a water meter, we request that you submit your meter reading once a year. This will alow us to determine your annual water consumption.
Annual tap water bill
View all questions about tap water
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