How can you visit the main office of Waternet, what are the opening hours and what is our postal address?
Main office address
Korte Ouderkerkerdijk 7
1096 AC Amsterdam
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Opening hours servicedesk
The servicedesk for questions about tap water and water authority tax is open from 13.30 till 15.30 on business day. Do you prefer to make an appointment? Then please contact us.
How can I get to the main office of Waternet?
By public transportion
The office is within walking distance of the Spaklerweg metro station. You can take lines 50, 51, 53 and 54. Once you have left the station, you should cross the Spaklerweg. Walk across the road and turn right into Welnastraat. Our main office is located at the end of this street on your left.
By car of bicycle
Please note that the parking garage of Waternet is located on the Markonstraat. Please enter this address into your navigation device. On the opposite of the parking garage you can find a bicycle shed. You can park your bicycle here.
Postal address
Postbus 94370
1090 GJ Amsterdam
Bank account numbers of Waternet
Please view more information about your payments at My Waternet.